Google Sites: How to Insert Text and Images

February 27, 2012

Digital Portfolios, How To

This tutorial video shows you the basics – how to add text and pictures.  Similar to word processing programs like Microsoft Word, Google Sites offers users formatting options such as font style, size and color of font, as well as emphasis formats such as bold, italics, and underline.  Google Sites does not offer quite as many options as Microsoft Word or other word processing software programs; however, we have enough formatting tools to help us achieve the look we want.

As for adding images, it’s important to note that images MUST NOT BE COPIED AND PASTED into Google Sites!  This is a common mistake many students make.  When you copy and paste images, you may be able to see the image on your computer, but others will only see an “x” or other indicator showing that something is supposed to be there but not showing up like it should.  This tutorial shows how to add images one at a time to your site.  For information about how to add a complete photo slideshow to your portfolio, check out “How to Insert a Photo Slideshow“.

I recommend having a digital picture of yourself available when doing this tutorial.  You could substitute a picture of you for something temporary like a picture that represents you, but ultimately this is your digital portfolio and it would be nice to actually see you in the site.  You could use a digital camera, cell phone with a camera, tablet, webcam, or even camera-enabled gaming station to get your digital picture.  If you’re taking the picture yourself, I recommend more of a “from the shoulders up” picture and not a full body picture.  The closer-up picture will usually look better in your digital portfolio.

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8 Comments on “Google Sites: How to Insert Text and Images”

  1. Zach H Says:

    This video is very helpful! thanks for making it!


  2. Caitlyn B Says:

    Hey Ms. Computer Teacher is it ok if i add more than 1 picture like if i want to add 1 at the top of my text and 1 at the bottom


  3. Duncan J Says:

    Ms.Computer Teacher, what would you recommend more for creating a website, Weebly or Google Sites? Please Reply!


    • Ms. Computer Teacher Says:

      Hmmm…Duncan, that is a great question! The answer really depends on the type of site I’m doing. If it’s a portfolio of work or involves a lot of collaboration, I’d probably choose Google Sites. I can also easily embed Google Docs and other Google products into Google Sites. Weebly is also fantastic, though! I think if I were doing a website for a business I’d strongly consider Weebly. Weebly can create some pretty professional looking websites!


    • Ms. Computer Teacher Says:

      Hmmm…Duncan, that is a great question! The answer really depends on the type of site I’m doing. If it’s a portfolio of work or involves a lot of collaboration, I’d probably choose Google Sites. I can also easily embed Google Docs and other Google products into Google Sites. Weebly is also fantastic, though! I think if I were doing a website for a business I’d strongly consider Weebly. Weebly can create some pretty professional looking websites!


  4. lmscomputer Says:

    Thank you so much for this valuable tutorial! My friend is using Google Sites with her high school Hypermedia and Web Design class and was struggling with inserting images. I was helping her and found your site. Thanks again for all your help!


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