Is Technology Re-wiring Kids’ Brains?

February 21, 2011

Tech News

According to the most recent edition of Time magazine, technology is re-wiring kids’ brains and that is not a good thing. With access to computers, iPods, cell phones, and more, kids today have a lot more distractions than kids in previous generations. Kids today can watch tv, surf the Internet, and text all at the same time. This multitasking means that instead of focusing full attention on a single task, kids focus little attention on many tasks. The inability to learn to focus on a single task means lower performance in school and eventually possibly on the job. The short, frequent tasks are telling the brain that the task is related to habit so the brain uses the corresponding part of the brain. Kids who learn to focus more attention longer use a different part of the brain, a part of the brain more associated with memory and retention of information. With the brain not using the memory portion of the brain as often, are kids being set up to fail at tasks in school and later down the road in careers that require greater concentration?

Are you a multitasker with technology? If so, how so? How do you feel your ability to focus long term has been affected by the ability to use multiple forms at technology at once? If it is true that brains are being re-wired for distraction, what steps can we take to change that and learn to use technology for good?

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615 Comments on “Is Technology Re-wiring Kids’ Brains?”

  1. Aaron b Says:

    Think your right about kids multitasking. It will rot your brains out at the most and kids should watch tv but make sure you do your work first.


  2. Natalie M. Says:

    I think that if you can do your homework and get good grades and still be able to interact with technology than you don’t have to worry about any problems.


  3. Catherine F. Says:

    I multitask all the time. I play on my iPod and watch TV at the same time. I don’t see how it effects me in focusing for a long time.


  4. Emily S Says:

    Just because we multi-task, it isn’t the cause of bad grades. That would be laziness, which pretty much every kid in America possess. We like to multi-task. Why else would we do it. I multi-task all the time. I’m practically never not multi-tasking. I think I’m doing pretty well in school. Adults just need to find something to blame their child’s bad grades on. Multi-tasking is awesome, and it lets us do more in less time, and prevents that bored feeling. Besides, adults multi-task all the time.


  5. Grace V. Says:

    i rarely multitask and it is hard to focus for me usually and maybe limit access to multitasking.


  6. Stephen E. Says:

    This article is true. I believe all kids are smart but in different ways. Now with technology all around us it is beginning to become a huge distraction. And it is showing in there grades in school. So try not to use technology so much maybe an hour at most a day and your grades should be improving.


  7. Ava L Says:

    well i read a lot but also spend a fair amount of time on the computer. Of course we all need to spend time with our family,play out side,Or like me draw and read. To much of anything can be bad for you. So its always good to take a brake or your eyes may start to hurt.


  8. Camryn D. Says:

    I do multitask with technology. I think we should let kids still use the internet. But there are some kids that stay on the internet, text or call, listen to music on iPod, and watch T.V all in the same time. Their are a lot of kids out there that are being lazy and won’t do anything but stay inside. I think thy should be more active and go outside. If the situation gets worst then the government should do something but don’t take the internet away.


  9. bria b Says:

    On the news it had a program about spongebob and how kids took a test befor watching 3 hours of spongebob and they had a good avrage grade. after the test had very poor avrages!


  10. Adam S Says:

    Help make a diffenect


    • Sam Says:

      wat do u mean bra


      • Sam Says:

        What is the percentage of student using tecnology for things besides homework?
        plz respond today cause i am writing a paper

      • mscomputerteacher Says:

        Hi Sam,

        You still working on your paper? That is a very hard question to answer with 100% accuracy. The definition of “technology”, according to, is “the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.” Basically, this means that technology is not necessarily electronics like tvs and computers. When the wheel was created thousands of years ago, it was considered technology! Because of this definition of technology, I think it’s fair to say that 100% of students use technology for things other than homework. If you’re looking specifically for kids who use computers and iPod Touches for example for things other than homework, then you probably can’t say 100%. However, most American students probably do! Students in other countries may not have access to these electronic devices; therefore, the percentage is much less than 100%. Hope this helps!

    • Sam Says:

      srry meant bro


  11. Adam S Says:

    There is lots of technology


  12. Cole L Says:

    I think that kids should use the internet less and more for important things. I am not saying that you should not play on the internet and facebook beacuse i do that to sometimes. I just think that you should do more things outside and more active things.


  13. Chandler B :p Says:

    Okay, after some thinking I have decided that people thought that re wiring the brain would happen in th year 2000. If that had happened we would be prepared for our brains being re wired, if they were going to be re wired.


  14. PaTricK U. Says:

    I cannot multitask with technology. It is very hard for me to focus on the TV when I’m playing “Angry Birds” on my iPod. Since I can’t multitask, it really hasn’t affected my brain as much. I should only use technology for research and projects, but I can’t give up my video games.


  15. Darith k. Says:

    Hi, I would like to say that maybe technology is re-wiring brain’s. I guess i would agree with that… because kid’s brain’s are still developing their brains. But, on the same token, how would we stop this with technology being so widespread?? So… yes, this could be a problem, but if you balance your text time and screen time with other things like sports and school, you will probably be good. But this is leading up to the dangers of the near future, when technology practically runs the country. That could lead to some serious problems, because while your taking an online study course, you could be on your phone texting or playing a video game at the SAME TIME. now, i LOVE technology, and have lots of technology, but i balance it out. I dont watch TV, so i think its fine, but maybe balancing the screen time out is the solution.


    • Kelsi J. Says:

      I agree Darith because we have to use the computer for homework a lot with all of our projects that we have.


      • dereck j Says:

        i think that id right if we did not have computers and tchnologie then we would be lost

  16. Carrigan R. Says:

    I think kids do not need cell phones at the age of 11 or 12.


  17. Jake S. Says:

    I will not change my mind on thinking multitasking with tech is bad. It is bad for our brain because we cant memorize or think straight for it. Your brain will be safer and feel better, stop multitasking. O-O


  18. Julia C Says:

    I agree that kids are spending wayyyyy too much time on electronics. I dont know what I would do during free time without electronics. We could try to read more. I know that will never happen. It is kind of ironic how we are having a conversation on the computer whille we could be discussing this in class. No. We have to have it complicated.


  19. Jordan K. Says:

    Tecnology today is very inportant to chlidren today , but children don’t like school , but rather to text to play games or surf the enternet. Children really don’t care. School is very important part in a child life.


  20. Abi C. Says:

    I can not belive this. I truly think it helps your brain. It helps it by teaching you comprehend multiple things. I do all of these things.


  21. Chandler B :p Says:

    I am totally agreeing with Matt. How do you re wire a brain. And if so how long do we have to stop it? I would try to stop the re wiring in my brain.


  22. Rachel L Says:

    I multi-task with technology. Im able to listen to music, watch tv, and text people. If I only do one I get bored and end up doing something stupid. I really dont see why multi-tasking is all that bad, isnt it supposed to be a skill? I really think multi-tasking is helpful that way even if I’m doing a report, texting someone doesnt distract me. We can use technology for good by using them for reports and stuff. We also find useful information.


  23. Hayley S Says:

    I don’t think it will re wire all kids brains. Some people are good with computers and can multi task. But some kids can only do one thing at a time. It just depends how you are.


    • Jordan K. Says:

      Haley I dissagtree completely because we are talking aboout the human mind and the human mind is not a toy to be played with the mind is very delecet


  24. Chaz F Says:

    Well I think that i can only do two or three things at a time. Ican do a game and switch to my story because i hav a pretty good memory. then i can also play a wii game and remember what im doing. Its just i cant do three or four things t one time. i am a bit of a multitasker but not like those crazy ones. it seems almost impossible to do five things at once. two, maybe. but or up, no way. i think we should use our multitasking skills for school.Itshould be used for our jobs, or school;, or other GOOD activities.


  25. Austin A. Says:

    I agree that it is messing with kids brains and that`s not good. But there is that possibility where it could be good. Because there will be a day where it will be nothing but technology. We all need to know and use technology. It will be the future. But for now we need to slack off with it.


  26. Jake S. Says:

    I think it is absolutley right. I dont struggle with it because I don’t struggle it because I dont own a phone and i dont watch movies and surf internet at the same time. -_- Either way I think it would be kind of hard to multitask with a cell phone because you wouldt be able to focus well any way. +_+


  27. Chandler B :p Says:

    I think that in on way, computers and technology of all kind are in one way re wiring our brains. In other ways, I love to listen to my ipod and texting on my phone. I am on both sids of this “debate”. If and I mean a big IF technology is re wiring our brains them that could be good, or bad.


    • Hayley S Says:

      I agree chandler. I love to txt and listen to my ipod while on the computer. But i dont usually do it all at the same time. I hope its not re wiring our brains.


    • Austin A. Says:

      I agree because listening to my ipod and getting on my laptop and watching tv all at the same time is pretty crazy but cool.


  28. Matt S. Says:

    Okie Dokie so i dont understand this at all. Brains dont have wires. Also how do you Re-wire a brain? I watch tv sometimes and a text sometimes and i play on my Xbox 360 sometimes but it does not change my mind about anything. especially a job. So i am going to have to disagree with this article


  29. $Ch1na J$ Says:

    I think this is article is true. Kids don’t use books anymore, they use other websites in the internet.


  30. Tyra T. Says:

    For me multitasking is something that I don’t do, like if I’m listening to my ipod and I need to do something on my cell phone I stop listening to my ipod and use my cell phone. To multitask is hard for me to do, like when I’m on the computer I can’t listen to itunes music and read on the computer at the same time. To me my ability to long term hasn’t really been affected that much because every since I created a fantasy story in my head it has been really the only thing to focus on, but when it comes to school then that is what I will focus on. To learn how to use technology for good is hard to answer for me because there are many different ways to do that, but it depends on what person it is that needs to learn how to use technology for good since every one is different. For me it was my imagenation, but I wouldn’t know if that would work for everyone esle.


  31. Madison K. Says:

    I think that technology probably is rewiring our brains. All the new and improved technology that we have today probably isn’t helping the matter. Although we all love technology and it helps us in many ways, it’s not alwyas good. I think that if we could take more time to learn new ways to use the technology that we have instead of just for entertainment, it would help us a lot. I do multitask sometimes, but only on occasion. I’m so busy with other activities that I barely have time to use technology. In my opinion, I don’t think that using technology is affecting my ability to focus. I hope that later in life, when we’re even more advanced in technology, we’ll use it for other things besides entertainment.


  32. *Darius.D* Says:

    I Think that it’s messing with some kids brains. I know some kids have a certain amount of time to watch tv and play video games and stuf like that. I think that it messes with your brain but it also helps,because it can help your brain be able to multi task.


  33. Reid H. Says:

    I also think that I we just kept up makin technology we could find a cure for cancer or something like that, that will really benefit the world.


  34. Benjamin D. Says:

    I use plenty of technology, I multitask, get good grades, and none of it has effected my attention span one bit. Technology is a great thing, and it has effected most of us in more ways than one. But this is not one of those things. But for those of us that it is effecting in this way, the first step is to admit that this is a problem and something needs to be done about it. Then, find something that works against this problem. Last you need to use that something whenever neccesary. That’s how I’d fix the problem. But I never had this problem in the first place.


  35. Kurstie D :) Says:

    Are you a multitasker with technology? If so, how so? How do you feel your ability to focus long term has been affected by the ability to use multiple forms at technology at once? If it is true that brains are being re-wired for distraction, what steps can we take to change that and learn to use technology for good?

    I am a multitasker with technology. I will talk to my friends on facebook, talking on the phone, while doing homework on another website, while listening to music.
    I can focus on lots of things as long as i’m not tired. I can’t focus on things if they ar boring to me; and i think thats the same for most people. If you don’t like it then you are less likely to focus more on it than other things.
    I think people have the ability to focus if they try to. You are the one who chooses what you do, how you do it, and when you do it. If you can focus well while listening to music or doing homework while on the phone or what ever you do then that’s good for you.


  36. Carli R. Says:

    I think that this article is true with what it says and that all this technology isn’t good for kids brains. With all of the technology out there it isn’t helping kids any more then it’s hurting the kids. I think technology is good but I think that we need to learn how to use it in a way that will help us, not hurt us. I know that I multitask a fair amount. I’ll be doing homework and also be texting my friends at the same time. I don’t think that it’s hurting me in school by being able to multitask and I think it might actually help me later on by being able to multitask.


    • Chance G. Says:

      i agree with you this article states many facts about us kids! and i am a multi tasker.

      it helps me most of the time do my work and music helps me focus so that is an advantage as well.


  37. Lexie Y. Says:

    As we know tecnoligy is growing rapidly and we cant chang that, what we can chang is how we use that information. We could limmet the time we spend on serton things like TV or computers. This may be a way to help with were and when we use it, all we need is a limmet. 🙂


  38. Alexis P. :) Says:

    I think I am a multitasker. i use my cell phone while doing my homework and I also watch tv to. I think we can change using the internet and thinks like that for good when we use it think about why you are using it and that is all. Bye 🙂


    • Chance G. Says:

      i agree this has helped many people and brought many people down as well, i multitask such as texting and listening to music while i do my homework.


  39. Reid H. Says:

    If the kids parents really don’t care about the technology and keep buying it for there kids and themselves then we shoul djust accept the fact that we are just supposed to use technology.


  40. Carlie B:) Says:

    I think that it depends on what your doing. I think if you should be doing homework, or doing something your parents told you you should do that. I can multitask but I only do that when i have too.


  41. Maggie P. :) Says:

    i think it has only affected some people. different things affect different people. it cound be re-writing our brains.


  42. Anthony C. Says:

    I do not think that technoligy is “rewireing” our brains. We are just using the cool new things we have to our advantage and if we are still getting our work done, does it really even matter? If we are using technoligy for the things we enjoy doing and even for thngs we don’t want to do, is there a problem at all?


    • Reid H. Says:

      You tell them Anthony!


    • Chase R Says:

      That is a good point but what will you do when you become addicted to using technology? Then what will you do?


    • Hunter T. Says:

      I heard that. Technolegy is definatly not a bad thing. It’s teaching us to learn more about the electtronic world. Also multitasking has both and bad reflections on kids. Like it can be good because it will allow people to get jobs done maybe twice as fast. But it’s bad because it may cause us to multitask at the wrong time. Like texting,talking on the phone,or even looking somthing up on the internet at bad times such as while you’re driving.


    • Reid H. Says:

      I think think that if no one cares about it that much than we just shouldn’t even do that. If no one even cares than we just don’t do anything.


  43. Chance G. Says:

    This is a problem I think across all of the world because many people don’t know how to interact with the society unless by computer, cell phone, and other things like that. This I also think has hurt many people job wise. People that are used to doing there homework on the computer will develope that habbit and it will carry on through the rest of their life and follow them no matter what.


  44. Reid H. Says:

    I think that this is insane because we should use all of the modern technology to our advantage. I am a multi tasker with technology. while I am working on the computer I am listening to music.


  45. Technobile Says:

    I think there should be a moth survey on how kids do school work while texting and playing video games and how kids do school work without all the technology
    LOVE,Technobile (Alien from outer space)
    6th grade day 4 🙂


  46. brad s Says:

    i do not think that this article is true. i think the people are just saying this. also they are saying this because thery are just jealous because they are old and did not have anything good like technology in there day


  47. Kathleen J** Says:

    Ok. So, I do not think that the new multitasking technology is re-wiring peoples brain. Hand-held items like the Kindle or Web Books aren’t ruining anyones brains. It CAN cause headaches and certain types of pains, but it cannot re-wire your brain.
    Multitasking is something that can help people acomplish things they want to get done. On the other hand, it isn’t healthy to be on four electronic devices. Things like texting can’t ruin your brain, perse. It isn’t healthy if you text 1,000 texts a day.
    This is why I think that multitasking with electronics isn’t re-wiring brains(PERSE)


  48. Deborah O. Says:

    The person who wrote it is lacking some facts and should do some more research.


  49. Savannah M Says:

    I can multi task without a problem. I am able to do many things at one time. I think that it helps me in school. It is a good quality to have!


  50. Hope G :) Says:

    I agree with the article to a certain point. i think that if someone is using the technology for something that is worth the tim, then they should be able to use it. if they aren’t using their time wisely, then they shouldn’t be on.


  51. Tom Bilden Says:

    I think the article has some truths, but it is the technophobic generation of psychiatrist trying to provoke the current generation. Taking notes is a form of multitasking, but it has been in practice for centuries. If the article is true, technology will be at our side as long as we have our short attention spands, so I don’t see a real issue with being a multitasker.


  52. logan s Says:

    i feel appa;ued by this comment. i do feel it is a correct arguement


  53. Aiyana S-P Says:

    I do tend to multi-task when doing things, but not when using electronics. I think some tend to not focus and get bored and take their phone out, to relieve them of their boredom. While in the long term, if you are in the business industry, you may not be able to listen to people for a long period of time. This skill of focusing on a boring person/subject, even though you do not want to, I think is important to listen to people for a long time without showing you are bored, but instead look interested. If you look interested while someone gives a speech, they may notice you and you could get a raise/praise from someone; therefore, you get somewhere in life! My last thought would be if you could re-wire your brain, you should try to focus on reading a horrible book for an hour a day until you finish it, after you do your homework. After that, DO NOT head to the electronics right away. Go play with your siblings or go somewhere with a friend. I hope this helps!


  54. Steven V. Says:

    I disagree fo the most part. I do multitask but I think I am a generally focused person. The only time I’m ever ignoring someone is if I personally don’t care. I think this article was made by someone who, because of there inability to fully grab everyones attention which is completely human, found something else to blame it on. they then backed it up with science but probably never asked a kid why they couldn’t consentrate. I think it’s mostly just boredom which could be an affect of technology but seems more to be the fact that people more so just don’t like to listen other people.


  55. Deborah O. Says:

    I am a multitasker with technology. I sometimes watch tv and use the computer at the same time. It has not decreased my ability to focus for long periods of time. I am a very focused student and I am doing very well in school. I am not easily distracted by things. Multitasking with technology has not done nothing to my brain.


  56. T-Bone Says:

    I think this article isnt factual. Ithink my grades go up with me multitasking. I make all A’s and B’s and I rarely fail test. I don’t think that multitasking makes you lose brains memory. I have a great memory.


  57. Hope G :) Says:

    I agree that technology is re-wiring people’s brains. But, at some point it might be helping them too. They could be using the technology to learn more.


  58. Richarda (DORA) Says:

    I think this very interesting and intertainable . I think that it is not doing nothing to kids or teenagers. If they was to take the internet away from kids what wold we do. I think if the parents think there is somthing wrong then they should not buy there kids the items


  59. Olivia B Says:

    I would consider myself as a multitasker because I will be on the computer and be watching TV at the same time. I think that focusing in the long term will be much more helpful then only being able to focus for a short amount of time. This will help you pay attention in school better and be more attentive in a job interview. I think parents should step in and watch to see if their child is using multiple items of technology at the same time and stop them and make them choose which item to use for the moment. With technology you have the power to go back and look at what song just played or what text you just got so there is no reason to watch TV and listen to your Ipod when you can go back to what you wanted to do. That is my opinion on the multitple use of technology and how to fix it.


  60. Jordan M Says:

    I think that i am a good multitasker. I usually have facebook and my email open while im doing my homework. I rarely watch TV, just certain shows. I do text while im doing my homework. Technology multitasking has never affected my grades and how well i do my homework!


  61. Hannah W. Says:

    I do a lot of multi tasking, and I see how it helps you get things done faster. I think that technology is a good thing to have, but there is a time when becomes to much. I can definetly see how it could affect your brain and ability to concentrate on the tasks at hand. I’m not saying that people should stop using technology or multitasking, but I definetly see how sometimes it is too much.


  62. logan s Says:

    I disagree i dont think that are minds are getting rewired i think it is very inappropriate time that they wrote this article and that they think this true. i do not agree with any info in thiss article. It is not true and it is very inappriopriate article. i think that a young student in some college wanted his article to be seen and so they wrote this.


  63. MK S. Says:

    I don’ think technoloy is re-writing kid’s brains and if it is, its for the better. Personally I think its actually helping us to learn how to multi-tasking and thats a good thing. For example if there is something else going on during a test it would help someone to be able to continue on w/o being distracted. Also music helps a lot of people focus and how can being focused be a bad thing? When it comes to long term focus, how many people can really spend long periods of time w/o being distracted? Everything everyday is changing so why be worried about something that might help us?


  64. justin s Says:

    I think that its is a good thing that kids are multitasking and learning to do more than one thing at once. The kids may not be doing different things at once for a good reason but it will pay off it they have a job that is involved in multitasking. The kids should keep doing what they are doing and the people need to except the kids as they are.


  65. Jeff (falcon king of the thieves) Says:

    Are you a multitasker with technology? If so, how so? How do you feel your ability to focus long term has been affected by the ability to use multiple forms at technology at once? If it is true that brains are being re-wired for distraction, what steps can we take to change that and learn to use technology for good?

    i am a multitasker. i am on facebook and skype at the same time. i can focus on one thing at a time too though. brains are not being rewired, i think there has to be proof. in my agnostical opinion, nothing can exist without proof. i like to watch tv per se but its not going to take over parts of my brain!


  66. Hope G :) Says:

    I think this article is completely true. i think this because so many kids have a facebook, twitter, myspace, etc. that they focus more on what other’s are posting on these social networks other than doing their homewokr, studying for tests, etc. kids back then, didn’t have any of these things, therefore they were more focused on thier school work and getting better grades so that they could go to college and get a good job that makes them alot of money. Kids these days just don’t seem to realize that if they don’t study or pay attention, they are going to get no where in life. This is my personal opinion on the article.


  67. who? matt jones Says:

    i think technology is pretty awesome and the ability to to multitask is even better


  68. Marshall W. Says:

    I think that kids who multitask through the use of technology are more likely to not be able to focus. They are so used to having several things going on at once. I also noticed that A.D.D. has spiked along with technology. Is that something to worry about…Perhaps


  69. Austin S. Says:

    I’m always multitasking with technology – surfing the Internet, listening to music, texting – and while it doesn’t really affect my grades per se (I have all A’s), I do have to work harder at success because I’m distracted by the joys of Facebook and YouTube. I sometimes have to sit down and weigh out priorities in my head to get me back on track.


  70. Adam S Says:

    Also computers have inceased in use to 970. (970 quadtriloon times) times a year that means a family uses the computer 120.000 times a year 15% of that is the 305.000.000 million people of the untied states.


  71. Victor C. Says:

    I think multi- tasking is a good thing. Just not for people who txt, like, every five minutes.


  72. Baxter B. Says:

    Our brains have developed through this whole time, it’s really bad. most the people probly in the school have i-pods or cell phones or somtin. And matter of fact most of them bring them to school,


  73. ethan b. Says:

    I think it is good because we need to know how to multitask. If u get a jod u will need to know how to multitask. But ne still need to go outside .


  74. Bella M. Says:

    I really can’t imagine the world with out this kind of technology. Like cell phones, i pods, and things like that. Everybody now thinks they would be bored without these things but if these things weren’t invented it would be different. People would know how to entertain themselves without technology if the technology wasn’t even invented. I think people would be more healthy, athletic, and in shape if some of these things like cell phones, and computers weren’t invented. So no one would even know what an i pad was, or what a tv was if we didn’t have them. I think people would be way better off with out all this technology, but if kids got banned of technology it would be crazy, and they would probably think their life is ruined, but it would better for them!


  75. RoBbIE h :p Says:

    I also think multitasking is just not for computers you can do it outside like dribleling a basketball and kicking a soccer ball. ThaT IS MULTITASKING TO. You can do many different thing and b multitasking it just doesnt have to bhe with technology.


  76. macey Says:

    technology is a good thing because they are more advanced than our brains and if everyone got an apple computer at this school and everywhere else that would make those scientific experts be quiet.


  77. DJ G Says:

    sometimes I would multitask a bit. I play my nitendo DS while watching tv. I don’t think it is affecting my concentration at school.


  78. C o n n o r H. Says:

    I think that we should you ipod itouch because It can help this and people like it better. The only bad part is people can play with app not there work. I think I would like to used my ipod for a day. 🙂


    • Adam G Says:

      i think you are right having ipods for day would be fun they just have to make sure we saty on task and dont play games


  79. RoBbIE h :p Says:

    I think it is good for your brain to multitask, it could be a good challenge for your brain. Your does need a challenge atleast 5 times a day.


    • Mackenzie .A Says:

      ya, but once you are told or just need to do one thing at the moment, imagine how hard that would be if you were taught to multitask, you would go nuts! or you would never get your work done because you are thinking otherwise.


  80. Adam S Says:

    Also technology is affecting adults


    • Shiane T. Says:

      that is true Adam, but some places, like gyms need the computer…… but at home, they can spend time with their family.


    • Cassandra.C Says:

      well adam i really dont agree with uyou o0n that unless the adults are addicted to the computer. i mean my mom cant even work a computer. and she doesnt get it at all, i mean ity doesnt really affect adult that much.


  81. Cristina T Says:

    Well… personaly I think that all this technology is wonderfull! I uderstand that it could cause some los of focus in school but thing is, Most (majority) of kids are born with add or even adhd so their technology can not be the blame for not paying attention. In their have been tests taken by smart people saying the a large amount of jobs are being taken over by tecnology. Because of technology some people have been laid off and replaced with a better working or faster computer or even robot! I know that sounds crazy, people being laid off to be replaced by robots but, some people are also using lots of technology to help them with their jobs. I’m not saying that robots will eventually take over the world but I do think that kids having technology at a young age is kind of a good head start. To me!(:


  82. William k Says:

    I agree that its not a good thing that technology is taking over kids brains. I think kids brains are getting rewired by multi-tasking. Why do kids have to multi-task?


  83. Mackenzie .A Says:

    I agree that this is a bad habit of multitasking tecnology because kids are not putting their full focus into doing on step, one thing at a time. I will have to say probably everyone in this room is a victom of multitasking tecnology. Like it said up on the web page, kids will have trouble focusing on one thing at a time on other things if this contines to go one. What do you think we could do to help stop this?


  84. Ryan H. Says:

    I don’t multitask with tecnology that much. so I think that my focus will sustain as I get older. but this iis bad that kids’ brains are getting re-wired in this way.


  85. Baxter B. Says:

    I think technology could go many different way’s. It could help the human population, or it could drasticaly change us. I think it’s bad that kids arn’t using their brains as much. Most of us could’nt live without tech. The fact that our brains have developed to what we have now through all these years, it’s bad ’cause now were just ruining what our ansisters have developed.


  86. Shiane T. Says:

    I think it is, because many kids are on the computer are all the time, and htey are not able to do their school things with the discrations of facebook, twitter, and online games. I can mulity task with technology my self, i am able to text and be on the computer at the same time. But I agree with most people that this will get bad, I myself is saying that I need to slow down on the technology, before we know it, kids will be using the computer all the time.


  87. Adam G Says:

    i think that it is good to do a bunch of things at once. Kids are using a different learning method and that should be okay.Parents think that having all these computers and ipods might be distracting but it can be educational too. Computers help use study and look stuff up.


  88. Adam S Says:

    1.Technology is having effect on kids because with new technology is coming out that kids want and that dissactin.2.Also kids are being dissactined from homework so than at school they are geting bad grades.3.It is dissactining them from family.


  89. Jessica S. :) Says:

    i am a mutitasker. i sad to say it, but i am. i think that i will try to stop doing it sone.


  90. RoBbIE h :p Says:

    I also multitask on my phone all the time but it does not effectt me. I think it will effect som people but not everyone.


  91. macey Says:

    multi tasking is a super important skill to learn. i use my laptop while im on my ipod. I can still get everythinh done. so people are just getting worked up over nothing. really i bet if all those professional scientist dudes had laptops and ipods they wouldnt be complaining about kids brains. it might be a good time for change. i dont want my brain to be the same as peoples were in the like 1800’s or something really.


  92. Cassandra.C Says:

    i dont think it is re-wiring our brain because then we wouldnt get off of out technology we have. so we dont need to worry about it. all we need is 2hrs on the computer and then we should go outside and play.


  93. Jacob C. Says:

    I think it is re-wiring our brains. This is good because we can learn more. It would also be more easy to learn with tech. This is bad because the kids can get very lazy and that means they will get fat.


  94. Jessica S. Says:

    i think this is bad. i mean, if we continue this, we will forget about a life outside the technology. do you really want that? i know i don’t!?!


    • Jacob C. Says:

      I think that you are right that kids will forget their outside life style.i do not think that you are right on the first thing you said. but you can say what you, there is no right answere


    • Cassandra.C Says:

      well jessica i dont really agree with you but we should atleast be aloyud 2hr or 1hr on technology. i mean dont we desurve that?really think about i think we should.


    • Shiane T. Says:

      I agree with you Jessica. By the way, HI. Anywho, we need to remember our life outside of the computer our of phone. Even though we can comunicate with our friends on on-line games, we will have friends that don’t have facebook, like my friend. But I also agree with Cassandra, we at least need one or two hours of tv computer or phone a day, then go out side and hang out with our friends.


    • Mackenzie .A Says:

      i agree with you i dont want to live in a tc madness world!


  95. Collin F. Says:

    i agree with bookmobile man. hes got it all right. i think we should listen to him because he knows what hes talking about. good job bookmobile man.


  96. brent R. Says:

    I dont multitasce


    • Taylor Y. Says:

      Realy brent i dont thins that people will comment on this cruddy stuff man. Then agian, we are all different minds. we gust got back from a tornado drill. i almost lost my cool there that was close.


  97. ashley:) Says:

    i think muiltitasking is good for the brain! i think that if we multi task then our brain gets a chalenge. i think that a chalenge is good for the brain!


  98. andrew m Says:

    i dont think multitasking can be harmfull. only if you do it all the time. if ur watchin tv and then u wanna look up somethin real quick then do it it isnt bad to multitask


  99. Rami A. Says:

    David i do agree with you it can be a distraction and it can also help.

    Also i multitask alot!!!!!!!!!!!!


  100. Collin F. Says:

    I am a mulititasker. I use my laptop, ipod, and cell phone all at once and i still get my work done. People can make good grades and do good on test while still being a multitasker. People just get to worked up about things that are not that big of a deal.


  101. Destiny C. Says:

    This talks about Technology and kids brain is not developing and because they are watching TV and sometimes they are not learning much.


  102. Hanna G. Says:

    I think it can re-wire kids brain. i can multi task i am the computer,text and etc. it htink to help kids focus more on important stuff is to take electronics away not forever but for awile to teach kids how to focus more on homework.


  103. Amelia B :) Says:

    I don’t think it’s bad for people to use multiple kinds of technology at once. Multitasking is a good skill to learn, even if it’s teaching us bad focusing skills. Technology was invented to help us in life and that’s what it’s doing. I think it’s silly that people think that people use too much technology.


  104. Caroline T Says:

    Ithink this article is not true have a IPod and a cell phone but i keep my grades in somewhat of a good state to were i am not failing i try my best in school i do what im suppose to do at home im also a very good multitasker


  105. David C. Says:

    Technology is bad for us but can also help us. Like if we forget our homework we can go on to the website and find it again. We can also talk to our friends with out having to talk to them.


    • Cody H Says:

      you are right I would not get a lot of homework with out a computer, I need it to find a Current Event for science and SS so I need technology. But too much of I is bad for us because its ok to use it for homework but just for games all the time is way too much. Which means humans need and dont need technology as much as they use it now a days.


    • Destiny C. Says:

      I dont think thats right David.


  106. Peyton H :) Says:

    I do not think technology is a distraction to me. I text, watch tv, and do facebook all at the same time. When I need to complete a task I don’t get distracted by technology. On the other hand, to some kids, technology can be a major distraction.


  107. Sammy S Says:

    I think that kids are using technology too much. I don’t multitask with technology. i don’t even have a phone. i don’t need one either. having a phone at this age is ridicuolous.


  108. Rami A. Says:

    I think that it is bad but for me i usually text, watch tv, and on facebook. Also i can still focus on the main thing im on. And the internet does help me with my homework alot.


  109. Naomi VH Says:

    Technology has definately changed the ways of the next generation, that is for sure. Some have been good ways making research easier by using a search engine. Then again it has been in bad ways making tons of distractions for kids of all ages. All in all, technology has helped us at points and has not helped us at points.


    • Sammy S Says:

      i agree with Naomi, its helped at some points and not helped at other times. Like sometimes, kids can use technology for homework. other times it distracts kids from schoolwork.


    • Ruthie R. Says:

      I agree Naomi! Technology is changing our generation, and will effect future generations too.


  110. Natalie H:) Says:

    I am a technology multitasker. I could be texting, doing my homework, and watching TV. I think that kids will learn to juggle more things in future and technology teaches us a lesson, like how to plan activites. It might teach us a risky lesson also, like don’t text while driving. 🙂


  111. Ruthie R. Says:

    I do think that technology is re-wiring kids’ brains, but not for some kids. I multitask sometimes, but usually I am only using one piece of technology. I think that more kids need to stop multitasking so that they can focus better on other things.


  112. hunter m Says:

    no i do not multitask. it hos inturrupted me if i am doing something. i guess i could just go a little bit without it.


  113. Addison O. Says:

    I think that technology is rewiring are brains but it doesn’t really matter .Were getting better at other things we weren’t good at before because a different part of the brain is working. We are better at multitasking researching information on the internet which is easier and faster then going to a library.


  114. Nailah K(: Says:

    I am a multitasker, but mulitasking helps me finish my work faster . because if im doing two things at the same time it helps me to complete both things faster. I believe that this does happen to childrens brains , and thats why so many of us are slipping up in school. It makes me think if that movie where the guy takes a pill and it makes him use all of his brain, instead of like normal humans do , only use part of his brain. I wonder what part of the brain we are sapposed to be using? Hmmmm ? Makes you think doesnt it ? Hahahaha : ]
    –Nailah 😀


  115. Jessica S. :) Says:

    I think that is true, that kids spend alot of time on technology. But also, if you think about it, Technology can be dealed with in school work also. I think that kids brains get ” unwired ” if they don’t focus on stuff they should be focused on all the time.


  116. joshua sullivan Says:

    I may not text but I loves me som NES


  117. Madeline H Says:

    I agree that technology is some what re-wiring kids’ brains today. But not all kids. This articles has a point that many tend to get distracted while using technology to multi task. For some it may help and others it may not.


  118. Madeline R. :) Says:

    My mom uses her Facebook more than me. She is the one who multitasks with her phone and Facebook page more than me. Not all teenagers are bad with this, and some adults is worse. I never multitask. My mom does a lot. All teenagers are not bad.


    • Olivia B Says:

      I agree with you Madeline but I also think it depends on the kid because all of us are different. So some might be multitasking and others


  119. Gavin :P Says:

    Technology is the advancement of today’s tools. if technology is bad, then so are cars, planes, modern boats, or any type of transportation. if you think technology is a bad thing, then stop driving. stop flying to your destination, and stop sailing. walk around nude, too. modern clothes are Technology, as well as shoes. heck, almost everything we have today is Technology. if you still belive that Technology is bad, you sould not be reading this article, or be here at all.


    • Patrick Johnson Says:

      ……….. You …………….. just .. Amaze me


    • Anna Kathryn G. Says:

      Thank you, Gavin.
      Technology is anything new that will improve our lives (Yes this includes the Snuggie). If cell phones are bad, then every other thing that has had an effect on our lives is bad and we should go back to rocks. And rocks could be considered technology.


    • David C. Says:

      I agree gavin.


    • Hope G :) Says:

      they weren’t saying that technology is bad. they were saying that technology is re-wiring people’s brains making it so they have a harder time paying atttention and studying for school. i get where you are coming from, though.


  120. Wesley H Says:

    Well personally i multitask alot. i’ll be chating on facebook, playing a game and texting at the same time. But ive always had somewhat of an innability to focus except on things i really enjoy. So i dont think that multitasking has anything to do do with. If this is true we can teach kids how to get the most of what they’re doing so that they dont feel the need to multitask.


  121. --Alexis D Says:

    — well i think its true. I have to say that some kids can foucs on school at the same time. Its most kids who dont know how to foucs on school when they just a phone. Im that kid who knows how to saty foucs on my school work because i know who i have to home with. My mother tells me every moring make me proud. What she mean is bring good grades home or she will take my phone away. The reason she said is because thats what im most using at home and im not foucs on my school work so yea !


  122. joshua sullivan Says:

    this is scary but I never use facebook or text and this is my first post so dose this affect me?!


  123. kevin q Says:

    I usually multitask. Such as, i text, watch tv and do facebook. I dont think its that bad because i generally tend to focus pretty well with what im doing.


  124. Jared Says:

    I don’t multitask very much when it comes to technology but do multitask when I do other things like playing drums and such. I do agree at times that I have put very little focus on multiple tasks but id doesn’t happen very often. i really don’t know any ways to prevent this from happening to other kids but by taking that stuff away. i know that is not going to happen and it is up to the person to focus on the one task at hand.


  125. Anna Kathryn G. Says:

    Goodness, will all of the adults of the world would just shut their mouths for a minute and let a teenager talk???????
    Ok….Naturally as kids, we have a hard time focusing. We like playing and messing around. That’s our job, for now. When we get older, we will calm down. Some kids have ADHD and ADD but not all of us! If adults think technology is bad for us and should take it away from us, then wow. I still surprised that the adults of the world haven’t had their technology just ripped from their hands like they were 3. If they say technology takes us to other places, they what do drugs do? Make everyone learn their ABC’s? No….just let us have our technology and there won’t be a teen revolution in the near future. Thanks.
    -Anna Kathryn


    • Madeline R. :) Says:

      Anna G. is right. Okay, it was a little strong, but she has a point. DROP THE STEROTYPES! Not all teenagers text. Not all teenagerers use cell phones. Not all teenagers do drugs. Not alNot l teenagers get grumpy and treat their parents badly. Not all teenagers sunbscibe to sterotypes.


    • Wesley H Says:

      Well part of the problem is that people are often scared of new things. And older people like my grandpa are used to things developing over time. So things that have developed really quickly have yet to be explored by those of age. Also this technology is devloping at an alarming rate, weve already had a computer beat the two best jeopardy players in history.


    • Caroline T Says:

      Thats a REALLY good point Anna i totally agree to what you are saying


  126. Deon A Says:

    i think that its true kids use alot of cell phones and ipods alot so now its messing with there head


  127. Madeline R. :) Says:

    I am not a technology multi-tasker. I use a lot of technology, but not several, all at once. I don’t watch a lot of T.V. I do like to type stories on my computer, and play games on my nintendo. However, I do these one at a time. I don’t even own an ipod, it’s a waste of my time. I think it’s opkay for some people to use an ipod, but I myself, do not. I think people need to be careful on their usage of technology. People need to take out a book for once, not their Facebook.


    • Cody H Says:

      Madeline, I agree on most things you said but about a book? No one really wants to read a book. People love facebook thats why thees millions and millions of people have one!


    • Anna Kathryn G. Says:

      My dad is on Facebook like 5 times a day. It’s REALLY ANNOYING, especially when I want to get on! My dad is more of a Facebook addict than I am.


  128. Cody H Says:

    I think we learn more about anything using the internet. It helps me alot with my homework and learn new facts about anything that I want to know. It really isn’t that big of a distraction for me. I usually just use the internet for my homework, FB, and youtube. So it really isn’t that big of a distraction.


  129. Tyler Brown Says:

    Its okay that kids have all of this technology but they should use it better. For example, instead of talking about the day on Facebook, maybe they can use it to do research on a big project.

    “Lets use technology, not waste it!”

    -Tyler Brown


  130. Jessica P Says:

    I think that is true, that kids spend alot of time on technology. But also, if you think about it, Technology can be dealed with in school work also. I think that kids brains get ” unwired ” if they don’t focus on stuff they should be focused on all the time.


  131. Patrick Johnson Says:

    Kids should stop using technology and use it for better use. Only use the internet to reserch stuff for school and only use tv when there is somthing important you need to see. Like the news or weather. Make sure they do their homework also. DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)


  132. Anna Kathryn G. Says:

    Well….this article proves to be interesting. I mean, multi-tasking isn’t bad…. but it should only be use until a certain point. And adults are always saying crap about ADD and ADHD. Naturally, kids have a hard time focusing. We’re kids, we play. We mess around. Some of us have a hard time focusing, but not all of us. In time, we will settle down and get to work. Technology can be used as a teaching tool. And if adults are going to fight us on it, I have a feeling kids will revolt in the near future because of this.

    -Anna Kathryn G.


  133. Ben A Says:

    People are always trying to find something to explain why there are stupid. You are just stupid it has nothing to do with what computers are what you have, If you got a problem it is just you nothing else is to blame.


  134. alex m Says:

    I don’t think that techonlgy is anything bad. If anything it’s helping us right now. I think that if people think that technolgy is re wiring our brains and affecting school grades then they aren’t thinking about the real distractions. Technolgy makes school homework annd other things easier not harder. I sometimes like to listen to football podcast on my ipod touch while im doing my home work and that helps me FOUCUS not get distracted. AS long as you use technolgy the right way it should help you in grades and foucusing.


  135. Ellie W. Says:

    i think that this article is true. alot of people are getting destracted by technology even parents. my mom and dad wouln`t buy me technology, but they get stuff for them.


  136. Lani Lu Says:

    i agree with alot of theses comments but if you are having trouble reading than get some glasses!! there not a bad thing!! thay help you alot so you can stilll play on electronics


  137. IAN O. Says:



  138. Alex Green Says:

    I think this article is interesting. I dont exactly think technology is bad and that we need to get rid of it. I do think that the article may be true becasue if students are doing multitasking technology it may reflect on their school grades. Also you cant just take technology away from kids becasue technology is also very useful resource and where would we be without it. It is good to have technology and itouches and stuff like that. But just not try to over do it. It is the kids or students choices on how much time the spend on technology.


    • Lani Lu Says:

      you are right alex tecnologey is not a bad thing its bad if you get to much of it and that can mess up your eyes as you get older! and you dont want that to happen!


    • alex m Says:

      I agree alex just because you are not getting good grades you shouldn’t use technolgy as your cane to fall on.


  139. maegan v Says:

    i like to text on my phone all the time. i listen to music on my ipod all the time while i do homework or if i dont have homework i play apps. i do all this but i am still very active and i do pretty good in school


  140. IAN O. Says:

    I think people often abuse technology. though some people use it for good. I think in general I use tech for good.


  141. tylerc Says:

    I think the a artlcie is ture. I thing the the interent could take of pat of your brain. I do not thing it would takeo0ver all of your brain.


    • alex m Says:

      Tyler are you suggesting some kind of robot revouliton? thats what it sounds like i text and surf the web and play games on my ipod alot I am not losing my grades


  142. Alayna C. Says:

    i think you’re right. tv watching and laying around will make us fat and ugly. we have to at least play outside for 2 hours a day. and cell phones during school and ipods,will make us not so smart. cause we will not be paying attention during class. that could cause us to fail our EOG’s. :((


  143. mikayla W Says:

    i undrstand what they mean. i sometimes watch tv while playing my DS or drawing. but i mainly just do that to listen to something while i mean doing it. i think their get a bit to serious about it. but im not saying it good or bad. it’s not that simple of a quistion hehe. XD


  144. alex m Says:

    I don’t think that techonlgy is anything bad. If anything it’s helping us right now. I think that if people think that technolgy is re wiring our brains and affecting school grades then they aren’t thinking about the real distractions. Technolgy makes school homework annd other things easier not harder. I sometimes like to listen to football podcast on my ipod touch while im doing my home work and that helps me FOUCUS not get distracted. AS long as you use technolgy the right way it should help you in grades and foucusing.


  145. Brooke H. Says:

    I’ve gotta say, while I’m gradually getting more forgetful, I don’t know where I’d be without technology. Life’s so hard at times, videogames become a stress reliever, and the more I play, I might be getting more forgetful. Slowly, it’s like falling into a hole, and so far, I’m enjoying it. Either way, I’m doomed for depression, unless anyone can help me out. ;A;
    So, need-less to say, HEELLLP.
    (Of cource, it has to be to my liking, yes?)


  146. Garrett H. Says:

    Also in my opinion, I think that


  147. Senith B Says:

    I think were are spending a lot of time with technology but not in a very bad way. I will use the computer, and do homework at a the same time and I usally a good student. I think we’re all making out brain lazy and dumber thou. Sometimes using technology is a good thing. We can use the Tv for infomation, like on Discovery ot History channnel, or look up information on the Middle Ages in Social Studies. Technology has there ups and downs and I hope we resolve that. But till then I still be using the computer while doing homework. Also if you see to much light on a Tv screen computer screen, or even your cell-phone or i-pod, can’t you mess up your eyes? If you do I might want to cut back on my technology.


  148. David R Says:

    I think that this website isn’t really denying this Theory. “Is Technology Rewritting kids’ Brains?” says Ms. COMPUTER . Although I’m not really sure about If the article is wright or not, what do you think?


  149. Savannah G. Says:

    I think that they should let the ids keep their electronics. I think that kids do not need to be studing for school the time that they have after they study. Cause some kids do not like school and homework so i think that they need to let the kids have some free time.


  150. Lani Lu Says:

    Well I think that we should take advantage of tecnologey and make it so we should always use it to make time easyer. so no not really because you can still use tecnologey to learn. its not bad if you are doing something educational. but it is also okay if you play video games every now and then as long as you do good stuff to. also texting is a fun thing and millions of poeple do it but sitting there texting for ever is not good some is okay but to much can mess up the human brain. i know kids these days need glasses more today that when the tv or wii or xbox were not invented because they will sit there for hours and it will mess them up. so some is fine to much is bad!!!


    • Aminata J Says:

      I agree with you. It’s okay to use tachnology for fun but you shouldn’t use it over excessivily at the wrong time.


  151. Garrett H. Says:

    I think that this has also happened to me. The distractions all around these days have kept me from not staying organized and on task. I have tried to figure out a good way so that I can focus on work before I do anything else. Is there really any way that can help me so I can get better and focus more?


    • David R Says:

      Have you tried limiting your technobable? That might work. Not really sure…


      • Savannah G. Says:

        Why would you want ot do that? I know i would not cause then i wold not be able to play the wii.

      • MaTt S!!! Says:

        lol david… i will never limit my technology i mean i cant play the XBOX or the Wii or every thing!!!! i will never do that in my lifetime.

    • Kaitlyn A. Says:

      Hey Garrett! I have an idea! Okay, all you have to do is try and stay away from anything with technology while you’re doing homework. Just relax and concentrte on doing homework or wahtever you’re doing. It’s hard to break a habit, though. See how long you can go without playing with you’re video games or whatever you’re playing with.


    • Lani Lu Says:

      ohh yeah but its fun too so its not a bad distraction!


  152. Kaitlyn A. Says:

    I read on my nookcolor, and go on the internet,too. I love reading, though, and I suppose getting too hooked on a book is a sort-of bad thing,too. I agree that america is getting behind in grades for the country about our inteeligance. But I know we all try hard and study.


  153. Ethan S. Says:

    I say who cares, because more and more we do two things, multitasking and use technology. Theres to much technology around us, we get distracted to easily, theres to many thing we can do on the computer excluding our homework. And when the parents ask “Are you doing your homework?” We say “Yeah, I am” but we really aren’t were gaming, or on Facebook chatting. So I say let the people see their bad choices and let THEM fix their own propblems.


  154. mort Says:

    why do people get addicted to being inside cooped up and doing nothing.


  155. DOM Says:

    i dont think that my braain focuses on diff stuff. they haave to undersand how most people art like this


  156. mort Says:

    i think that with technology come resposability and that the tech. is not the problem,it is that people get addicted to it.


  157. luke B Says:

    i think it is kinda stupid because how can you RE -WIRE your brain. if it was it is not bad. why woold people watch tv play on the internet that is kinda dumb


  158. DOM Says:

    the reson i dont get distacted because i pay attention. that kind of stuff they say is dumb. i dont think it is right:]


  159. Kelsi.C Says:

    I dont think it is that bad to multitask because, if you can multitask, and you can still get good grades the i think it is okay. Also, it can be bad to multitask if you have bad grades and dont know what youur doing. I multitask, and i still get good grades.


  160. Marjorie W. Says:

    I am a multitasker myself! I listen to my ipod while doing my homework and watching T.V. Even though i use those distractions, i agree that it has re-wired our brains and changed are ability to focus. A good way to stop this is to do your homework right when you get home (without using ipods, cellphones, etc.).


  161. logan s Says:

    I don’t think our brains could get re-wired but they could become lazy and not do as much work. It can pull kids apart from parents social wise. It is a big debate and both sides have good points.


  162. Ashlyn W. Says:

    I don’t think I multitask with technology as much as other kids do. I am usually using it to help me with my homework and then I use it for sociallizes. As far as I get with multitasking is watching tv and texing at the same time.
    I don’t think the technology itself can change because of how far it’s gotten. I think it’s a matter of how the kids use it. Some kids are using nooks and kindles and using technology as a source for school work.
    Technology isn’t bad.


    • Meg VH Says:

      I agree with you. Technology isn’t all that bad. We use to find research for a report or like you said, using a Kindle or Nook to read a book for school.


      • maegan v Says:

        hey big me whats up i argree with you it is fine to multitask sometime and also read on a nookcolor

    • Naomi VH Says:

      I agree. Nooks and Kindles are great technological tools that definately are not bad distractions . . . if they get to be distractions.


  163. Meg VH Says:

    I can be a multitasker with technology, like if I’m doing my homework and I am watching TV too. I don’t do that a lot though. I don’t think my ability to focus long term has been affected, but it surely could have been. Maybe it has gone down a little but not very far. One step people could use to help stop the distractions would be to not watch TV or listen to music while you need to stay on task to do homework or a paper.


  164. DOM Says:

    that is dumb i dont get distractde


  165. savannah h:) Says:

    i agree that technology is rewriting our brains. but not in a bad way. i think we are more reasponsible with technology.


  166. taylor morris Says:

    that sounds ture


  167. savannah h:) Says:

    I agree that technology is rewriting our brian, but i dont think that it is neccesarily rewrinting it in a such a bad way though. i thin,k kids are more responsible now more than before. SOME of them know how to properly use technology in a good way and they are better at taking care of their personal belongings. if we drop an ipod dozens of times it breaks so kids SHOULD know how to take care of things more carefully


  168. TedB Says:

    I multitask very little. sometimes I’ll video chat while surfing the web, but that is pretty much it. I don’t think that my ability to focus has been changed at all by multitasking. If it is changing how people focus, I would just take away multitasking, and do one thing at a time.


  169. matt m. Says:

    This is probably the dumbest thing I’ve heard in my life. I think that kids should go out and do something with their lives instead of sitting inside a room texting, surfing the internet, and listening to music all at the same time. This is wasting these kids’ time. They should no better than this. THIS IS SO STUPID! Get involved with sports or something!!!


  170. Megan H Says:

    I don’t really agree on this. We kids have technolgy, and we use it alot, and we are still doing pretty well in school. I am a multitasker, so it isn’t really a big deal to me. But, kids are using their phones still, like when we do our homework and we are still doing just fine in school. It isn’t a distraction to me.


  171. Maggie L. Says:

    I am a multitasker yet I make good grades. I don’t think its bad to multitask. I think that its good for the brain to challenge it self.


  172. Chandler F Says:

    I believe that our brains are getting a little distracted by all of this technology, but it is helping us learn, and grow. With all of this technology around us, we get the greater advantage of learning how to use it young. It makes us smarter, and will help us in the future with getting jobs that have to do with technology.


  173. Mark B Says:

    I do not think that technology is messing up are brains. I get all good grades and can focus just fine. Kids can choose to focus or not focus whenever they want.


  174. Hal K. Says:

    I am not a mutitasker at all. I cant stand it when i cant think about one thing at a time. But i have noticed that it is harder to concentrate on one thing at a time when there is a computer around.


    • matt m. Says:

      I agree with Hal…partially. The computer is a distraction to most people. Yet, it gives you good quality answers and you can finish your work quicker. So i see how it is a distraction but i can see how it is helpful at the same time 🙂


  175. Alex Sublett Says:

    I think that people how can multitask are awsome. If you need an electronic to help you do what you do everyday then you do need an electronic then use it. I like using electronics a lot. People do get destracted by electronics.


  176. Jack C Says:

    I strongly disagree that our brains are being re-wired. But i do think that kids and adults should interact more instead of just emailing and texting.
    I hardly watch T.V but i do like to listen to my ipod alot. I really dought that my brain is re-wired.
    We all depend on technology and I think that we can change that.


  177. DianteP :] Says:

    I think it is true because its all about technology and the future. It would be better if kids could go back and see how people live without technology. It would be easier if we cut back on the technology we use everyday.


    • Hal K. Says:

      i agre, if our parents could live back as kids without all the technology that we have now than we can also.


    • TedB Says:

      I agree, yesterday my mom was talking about when she needed research, she had to go to the library, get the card file, search for books that might be related to the topic, skim through the book, and if it is on topic, check it out. So if this is how our parents had to do things, we are capable of doing it that way too.


  178. Matthew G Says:

    I dont think thats true. Its a good thing to do multitask. And they do that because they try to have some down time. I use technology all the time and Im not easly distracted.


    • Maggie L. Says:

      I agree. I can do about three things at the same time and still be able to finish homework. I can multitask easly. But i do kinda disagree in a way because I sometimes have a hard time focusing.


  179. Christy Says:

    This article was very interesting. I as a student understand that we do multitask but i dont think that kids are giving there full ability to the task at hand. Kids today are not exposed and never have been exposed to the things that were back in the day so the kids today will not act or learn the same way. We all have a diferent way of learning but i dont think that since this is the way we have learned to live our life that we are not giving full attention to things at hand. My opinion and idea is to use all technology in class so that the students would be more interested in the subject and be more willing to do the task at hand. This will make things funner and easier to learn for kids today because this is the way that they are used to learning. 🙂


  180. Mari M. Says:

    Is technology Re-writing kids’s Brains? I think that technology is re-writing kids brians. I think it takes there mind off of there study’s.For example when kids are suppose to be studing there usally on there cell phone’s texting or on facebook and not studying. Also with technology when theres a nice day out kids stay inside and play on technology items and not out side.But to sum it up I think technology is re-writting kid’s brians.


  181. Cailin Ross Says:

    being a kid, i realize in this article how much we really are distracted by technology. i don’t really think it’s bad because, after all, our brains are being re-wired so we get used to multi-tasking. so all in all, we might get distracted now, but in the future, we will be used to multi-tasking and we will be able to do a lot of things at one time.



  182. Riley S :>)> Says:

    I think that having a phone ipod and tv isnt really making our lives less wonderful because all of those things are made to make our lives better not worse .also now a days you can even design your own pizza on the computer and order it for didder thats the smartest thing ive ever heard of so yea technology makes our lives way better.


  183. Jack C Says:

    I think that this article says alot about our community/ world and how advanced it is.


  184. Sydney J. Says:

    In my opinion i think some kids are highly distracted by technology and all the different kinds if it. Some people though are very good at multitasking and the technology has no effect on them. I think to many people are blaming there lazyness on technology. Ex. video games


  185. osiris Says:

    i think this is very interesting. i wonder if this is true. i wonder if it makes kids more intelegent and it helps learn about the world around you


  186. Aften W. Says:

    I think that our brains are not being used as much in certain parts as I think they were being used in previous generations of kids without as much technology. We are using alot of technology at once and that requires our brain to inforce little attention in each. Also if we are needed to focus on one task than I think that we would not give it much attention and our brains will be unsure how to respond to it.


  187. Christian W. Says:

    I think this is a really cool article. I think that we do use too much technology but we can achieve so much with it. I enjoy using the internet when I’m bored but I also use it when I need to finish homework and projects.


  188. Seth Z. Tate Says:

    I use technology alot, but I don’t multi task. I don’t watch T.V all the time, I rarely ever use my phone, but I do play games on the computer. My opinion is that not every person multi tasks.


  189. Chris S :] Says:

    I think she is not right. Technolgy helps us learn in alot of ways. We have so many rescorces to teach us.


  190. joshua d Says:

    i think that not all kids can multi-task. some don’t even have these distractions. some don’t have cellphones and computers. i know that i can’t multi-task


  191. Heather S Says:

    I think the ability to mulititask with technology and just in general has actually helped my ability to focus. I have always been able to focus long term, and mulititasking just adds to my ability to learn. Technology is meant to help, not hurt, which is what I think it is doing.


  192. Alexis ;) Says:

    In my opinion I dont think internet is a big distraction. Some kids can mulitask by focuisng on education and spending their free time on other things they like to do. Besides that I can do all those things, but it really doesnt distract me :}.


  193. thomas s. Says:

    i think that this is a dumb thing to say. we can use technology to get even more smarter. the reason we pay less attion to stuff now is because of technology but it dosent mean its contolling our brains. thats what i think about this topic.


  194. Eric koch Says:

    i think they are right and wrong, b/c kids are haveing problums lol


  195. Katie M Says:

    Mandy you are right to. Lot’s of kids are not focusing on there work they are foucusing on “What is on tonight?”


  196. Sam W Says:

    i multiy task some times when i watch tv, and i watch tv alot. i canfocus for a long period of time, but it dupin on the topic. i think kids will pay attention less to homework, and flunk the grade that their in. i think if the unger generations keep multiy tasking, their barin will be rewird and never be abell to focus on long term topics.


  197. Eric koch Says:

    there are alot of kids that are useing the internet for facebook and other things. the internet is to slow and neads to be better


  198. Sabrina K. Says:

    There might be some kids that get distracted by their electronics but some kids, like me, don’t get distracted by electronics. Maybe because they don’t have electronics or maybe they aren’t aloud on the computer. I don’t know. I wonder how the electronics are “re-wiring” their brains??? 😦 I don’t really multi- task on the computer because i can only work on the one in my room. 😦


  199. Cassie M Says:

    I think that they are ruight and worng at the same time. I think they are right because lots of kids do have problems not focusing on one thing at a time, and instead of spending more time on school work they are on the internet, watching tv, and on cell phones. It could also be a good thing because we can find research for homework online, if we need to.


  200. Johnny F Says:

    I do think that this is possible, but if limit and do not over use technolgy and everything will be just fine and everyone’s memory will be fine. I am not a multi-tasker so I don’t think that this affects me much, but a do know a bunch of people who are so I hope that this is not affecting them too much. I am able to foucus on one thing at a time for long peirods of time great. I can’t really do more than one thing at a time anyway. I think this could happen, but we can also prevent it if we work at it.


  201. Kyndal P Says:

    I think to get our education up we need homework everyday. At the beging of the year the teachers sebt out a note saying that we would have homework everyday. Also I do not think that we should have all our assingments where we have to read!



    i think the smart phones are a cool thing to have. technology has really changed and made life easier. we can surf the web while we are on the go, and we can talk on the phone with face time, like skype. we can multi task while txting, and talking on the phone, such as talking on the phone and on the internet at the same time. its deffinetly changed how we look at thing and how they are done.


  203. Adam p Says:

    i think we could take the electronics away if they are being used to much.


  204. Joshua C Says:

    I think you shouldn’t multitask because if you can focus on one task you can be patient on one thing and get it done correctly. Another good thing is if you focus you could get better grades and do better in school. If you do multitask you might miss something on a report or something and that will dock your grade. Or you could have rushed and got all the answers wrong and get a bad grade. You also wont be able to remember as much info or something your friend said that you needed to do.


  205. Corey H Says:

    I never knew about this. I think this is super bad and could effect a lot of kids. This could effect all of the kids in the world (no I am not a hippi)and it should be controled a little bit. But I will say that it is nice to enjoy time to myself and relax, mabe play some video games(no I am not a gameattic) and just chill.


  206. Jordan C Says:

    I am a huge technology multitasker. If you find me at home indoors I am proably going to be watching television and using another peice of technology too. I don’t think that technology multitasking is affecting my abilitiy to remember things long term. If my long term memory was being re-wired by multitasking with technology, I would advise all technology multitaskers to limit how much you multitask technology wise.


  207. Delaney H Says:

    Not all kids get distracted by electronics, for some it helps them. When i do homework i listen to music and i usaully dont get distracted. I think a lot of kids should cut down in what they watch on tv, sometimes its too much. Some kids should try to work harder and not get distracted by things, they will do much better in school.


    • Jordan C Says:

      I agree with Delaney. Sometimes technology multitasking is good for the brain but too much and your memory might scramble.


  208. Katie M Says:

    Kyndal is right sometimes we need a little break once and a while.


  209. Matthew S Says:

    My brain is un re-wireable. I can’t possibly be rewired. This is something BIG. With a capitol EVERYTHING. I always think about it and later get over it. Technology has a darker side now.


  210. tyler B Says:

    I think that technology is distracting but a great gift. technology helps us but it achasonaly hurts us. besides almost all the teachers use technology.


    • Corey H Says:

      You’re right Tyler, but that doesn’t mean that teachers/ adults brains get rewired to, they are older and smarter and may not be subjected to this as easily. B)


  211. Mandy Y. ^.^ Says:

    i think that it is a bad thing that kids are “rewireing” their brains. i hope that later in the years this gets better, but i know that wont happen. i know that technology will get better and kids of that generation will be more absorebed with technology.


    • Delaney H Says:

      I agree Mandy, but maybe technology might get better over the years. Maybe they’ll come up with some brillant new electronic :p


  212. Katie M Says:

    This make’s a lot of sense. If you have been doing really good in school but then you go down all of a sudden then your parents should get your your ipod/phone taken away till you get it back up. This will let you focous and when you get your grades back up you get your ipod/phone back. When you get it back you will keep with it so you can keep your ipod/phone FOREVER! You will get good grades and be happy.


  213. Kyndal P Says:

    I think it is good to have all this tech. When we have stuff like cell phones we are not always focused on school. We need a BREAK!!! :)o


  214. Wyatt Y Says:

    i think that our brains are being re-wired. but maybe it’s for good. maybe we are working a diffrent part of our brain. like soduku.


  215. Regina R. Says:

    I think that it is kinda hurting Kids brains. But people can do thing about it instead of just talking about it they can taken action. They could take the electronics away.


  216. Mackenzie C. :) Says:

    Focus on your homework first then go to th technology stuff. This semester I got strait A’s, i didn’t get on the computer and my ipod alot so i guess that helped.


  217. Melissa B. Says:

    I mean really, is there really a problem with multitasking? I multitask all of the time, and it never does anything to me that I know of. When it comes to my cellphone, my Ipod, and my computer I am a multitasker all the way.


  218. Christian Q Says:

    I do use the iPod, TV, and cell phone. It dose make a difference in my consitration. I think you could do things in parts, so that could help you consitrate on one thing.


  219. Josh C Says:

    I dont think that it is re-wiring our brains. I think that we are just as smater as we were in the other days that we didn’t have technology . I think we need to read more. That would be better for us.


  220. JoAnna J Says:

    You know, I find it interesting that aduls think this way. Yes, it is changing the way we think and all but, it also makes it easier and more efficient to do things on the computer or on a cell phone. I am willing to bet you that the adults who write these type of articles aren’t “in”. They probably don’t know how to text or if they do, They Text Like This OR LIKE THIS. They wouldn’t txt lke ths. They aren’t used to all these technology. Also, some kids and adults multitask very easily. They have a way to do multiple things with less effort than some other people. I personally text and use the computer. But, I am not on my phone or computer all the time. I love my Ipod to the death though. That is probably all the technology I couldn’t live with out. I get A’s on my report card and I can focus.


  221. mackenzie richards Says:

    dear, ms. computer teacher 😉

    i do multi task all of the time. i am normlly allways on facebook, telivision, listing to music, and txting at once. but when it cames to more seriouse things like school work or my sports, i have 100% of my atention to them. in my house we are not allowed to do anything but homework right when we get home. some kids watch tv or listen to music or text whail there doing there homework i preferbly can’t focuse with any of that on, and my mom woould kill me if i was texting whail doing my homework. sametimes whail i am doing volleyball i will listen to music, but that is a little distracting so i dont normaly do anything but volleyball.
    i don’t think that that stuff distracts me from my work i just have to focuse a little harder and take my time.


  222. Marisa J. Says:

    I love to text and talk on my phone all the time. Well maybe not all the time but I have games on my phone and it is alot of fun. It is not like I am adicted to it. I got a phone for doing cheer and i stay active. Why do you think they say that we are just having fun with new tecnonlgy.

    Luv ya Mrs. Computer Teacher:) ❤


  223. Garrett F. Says:

    I am a multitasker. I use my Laptop, iPod, and my Cell Phone all at once. I don’t think that my brain is being rewired. I remember all of the things from school and get good grades on tests and assignments. Multitasking makes doing homework more fun because you can be doing other stuff while you do work. Life would be boring if you were always doing one thing at a time.


  224. Chaz C. Says:

    I am a multitasker. i can do alot at once. i play my Xbox, ipod, and mess with my cell phone all at the same time and i dont losse focus. I think school is hard and sometimes i cant focus on what we are learning. I will be thinking of what i have to do when i get home.


  225. Rebecca L Says:

    well i multitask alot but when im doing somthing inportant i ussually stop and just do that one thing. things like when im on the computer i can lisin to music and be on the computer. it doesnt distract me. or i can text and talk and lising to music and be on the computer it doesnt effect me. there is some things that i have to do though. i have to lisen to music while doing homework it helps me concentrait and and not get off task. but like i said sometimes i dont multitask because it gets me off track.


  226. Kayley P. Says:

    I think a way we could improve this problem is for people just to foucous on one thing at a time. Instead of texting, watching tv, and playing on the computer just do one thing at a time. If we just take it slow technology wont re-write our brains, so all of this is basicly our own falts.


  227. Mackenzie Crooks :) Says:

    I am a multitasker myself, i use facebook, my ipod, and my cell phone at the same time. The other night my phone was buzzing, i had my ipod playing, and people were chating me on facebook; I had my math homework sitting infront of me, but i had so many people talking to me i didn’t want to say goodbey. That night i started my homework at 11:00, you can say i was distracted. I try to finish my homework when i get home then I get on facebook, my ipod, and my phone. One thing that helps me is to turn off my phone wile i am doing homework and charge my ipod. :)<3


  228. TEEJAY BELL Says:

    I feel that kids, can have fun while staying in the right mind. I mean, people get to worked up about it. If we can stay on electronics for hours then, we can also keep our grades up. no technology can re-wire kids brains. It only re-wires kids, if they let it.


  229. Nelson W. Says:

    I’m a multitasker and I dont get bad grades. My grades are great and the phone doesn’t make me forget anything. My memory is fine.


  230. Jake B Says:

    I think thats kids pay way to much focus to tv’s, computers and cell phones. That is causing kids to not get as active. So we should limit the use of techkoledgy.


  231. Tiffany Says:

    No i am not a multitasker in technology but when it comes to the computer and my cell phone i would say that i get attached to my phone and my ipod. I think that this article is very interesting if parents take all that stuff away from their children then how are they supposed to have a social life or spend their time on the weekend. Kids and teenagers should use there time wisely with these electronic devices and with school work and other things that need to be done. not spend all their time on one task.


    • Stephen W. Says:

      Hi. I have a lot of video games in my house. I have a phone and I could see how other peoples brains could get re-wired b/c so video games are so addicting!!! Phones can also be addicting!!! I think that if we put down our video game controllers and cell phones, I would start feeling well…. less addicted and finish our homework.


  232. Robyn Balay Says:

    I don’t think that i am a good multitasker with technology. If I try to go on Facebook while I am checking email, I usually get distracted while I play a game on Facebook.


  233. Leidy Says:

    Um… I don’t really use technology. I don’t have a phone, I don’t have internet most of the time, there isn’t a single video game in my house. I don’t really understand how a person can be addicted to technology. I don’t understand how a person’s brain can be re-wired because of technology, that sounds like an overreaction.


  234. Kikiiiiii Says:

    I am a multitasker. I use my Xbox, music, and my cell phone all at once. I do seem to be just as focused as I used to be. I never was very focused in school so I dont have to worry much about losing focus even more. I force my self top stay focused by fidgeting and it makes me more awake. We can start to stop using so many different electronic devices and maybe we will focus even more in school.


  235. Omar Raja Says:

    i dont think kids should have to much electronics. a ipod phone and xbox is more than enough. they shouldnt have a facebook page in the 3rd grade thats way to young. 7th or 8th is young enough.


  236. Daniel Cole Says:

    I am a multitasker. I get A’s and B’s in school and am doing ine. As long as i concentrate on the one thing im fine. I dont see anything wrong with electronics.


  237. Christina F. :) Says:

    I agree with what the author of this passage has to say. Back in the day kids our age wouldn’t have cell phones or computers, they had landlines. They had to read books and most of the time they enjoyed reading. But now days kids get cell phones at 10 years old, they have Facebooks in 3rd grade. They hate to read and they don’t even want to call their friends, they text.


  238. Josh Glazer Says:

    The aricale does make sence that people focus their atenion on mutiple things. But i can multi task realy well when its two things but anymore and I cant think. i dont fully get how multi task works but i can just do it.


  239. KC!!:) Says:

    I am a multitasker myself. Between my ipod, my cell phone and facebook, yeah i do that all at one time. I don’t think its a big deal if it dosn’t reflect homework. (meaning you’re not doing it while doing homework. :)))


  240. Lauren F Says:

    I am sometimes a multitasker with technology. I get on facebook, text and play a game on my IPod at the same time. I don’t think it is a good thing that people can use more than one electronic device at a time. When I do my homework, I have to put all of my electronics away, so I can focus and not get distracted.


  241. Kai Says:

    This article brings to light many problems teens have when using technology. Like the article already stated, the multitasking between these different devices causes the focus on what your doing to be a minimum. This can cause many conflicts with a teenager and heir educational career. If teenagers can find a balance with using their technology and doing their work. maybe this wouldn’t be a major problem.


    • Mackenzie Crooks :) Says:

      Even though I wouldn’t want this to happen…. parents should be able to have parenal block on stuff. Many people would disagree and they may not like me but it may show in your grades at school. One of my friends is on fabook all the time and she gets bad grades on her stuff and she never turns in her homework on time.


  242. Harrison Says:

    I think that technology is not re-writing kids brains that know how to use it reponsibly. Some kids have to many technology devices some they become addictied. I think it is healthy aslong as they dont abuse it.


  243. Aaron Aiken Says:

    Well brain control is not cool. Why do you want to rule their kids? This is the end of the world


  244. JOSH EVANS Says:

    I think that this is true. Everyone today uses the internet to find information instead of books. I think its just a quik and easy way to get your work done.


  245. Jake Hofman Says:

    I do not believe that kids brains are being rewritten. I believe that kids just arent trying because competer, video games, and tv are sitting there in front of them. They want to finish a task set before them, and get onto the next one, or electronics. I think that parents also have a contributing factor in this situation. Parents need to monitor the use of electronics by their children more closley, instead of just asking what they are doing.


  246. GarY ForD Says:

    Well i disagree. I do this like this and it helps my focus so i can do multiple things at once. I think that is a good thing.


  247. Kinsey B Says:

    I never really thought of it this way. I always thought that multi-tasking was a good thing and I didn’t realize that it caused you to do stuff less efficently. I find that very interesting.


  248. Joe Winfrey Says:

    I think this true. Before too long, kids will end up like the people o Wall-E. Technology will take over. iPod’s and cell phones are nice to have but the are not necessities.


  249. JoeR Says:

    I multi task on the computer somtimes. I open up different tabs, normaly I have my e mail up and my facebook. I do multi task when I am on the computer.


  250. Lotus S.P. Says:

    I don’t think kids or teenagers should have things like iPods and phones if they’re going to spend soo much time using them. I have an iPod, a computer, a TV, etc., but I don’t use those things as much as the average teenager. And these kids are getting so sucked into texting, that these use text talk about anywhere they can, even on paper. I don’t think kids should have phones, I mean let’s face it, you probably don’t have that much of a social life when you’re in middle school. And I’ve heard around at least five phones go off in the middle of class.


  251. Hannah Yueh Says:

    I am a multitasker myself. I never multitask during homework though. I think being able to do many things at once is not definitely a bad thing. You may gain skills that will help at your job later on at life. You might have to complete different tasks at once. I get all A’s in school, so I don’t belive this is affecting me educationalwise.


  252. zcc Says:

    i don’t think it’s that big a deal. if kids want to text and go on facebook at the same time thats their choice. as long as we at least PRETEND to try in class, everythings alright. hey, i’m on my computer and ipod and phone at the same time, and my grades are perfectly steady. high c’s and low b’s. i’d be getting them even without technology. i think that adults are blaming technology even though it’s the kids laziness that puts the grades down.


  253. Campbell S. :) Says:

    It depends on if they are doing homework. I completely understand that it is a problem though. :)) <33


  254. Court-Court Says:

    Most of the time I multi-task. I text, use the Internet, and I listen or use my I-Pod. I love technology. What things can you do at the same time? When I do these things at the same time, I find that it is a little harder to focus on my actual stuff that is important. Like homework or make-up work. The best way for kids to do better in school is to probably not had a cell phone, I-Pod, computer, etc. I think that if the kids were to not do any technology for two weeks they would probably do a little better in school. They would probably do better becuase they have nothing to get distracted from. Like the television I am sure kids like watching TV while do some school work, it would probably distract them from doing whats actually important and has to do with education. Cellphones, TV’s, computers, and I-Pod’s are all technology devices that are fun to have. But they are not educational and distract kids from school. What do you tink?


  255. Stephanie Flores Says:

    When I am doing homework I usually don’t use my phone or anything else, so it does not really affect my school work. When I am using my phone while doing homework it sometimes does affect my school work. It also might depend on what kind of work I am doing.
    Technology does affect my school work that is why I don’t text or anything else while doing homework, but after.


  256. whitney r. b. Says:

    well, people in the old days had to work and some of them did not get any money. when they had home work they did not have the enternet to help them and we do, so when we have the enternet it helps us learn more. i do have to say that some lids do use the enternet a hole lot more than they are supposed to. about the cell phone part on the artical, some kids have a cell phone to keep in cotact with there parents. then again some kids just like to text there parents and not try to responed to there parents.
    * most kids these days always want the new thing. The poeple in the old days just got what they had.*


  257. Brianna T. :) Says:

    I think it it re-wiring our brains and that we are depending on technology for answers like homework. When I do homework, If I don’t know something I got straight to my parents for help. If they don’t understand it then I go to the computer for help. I do multi task alot. For example, I play computer, watch t.v. and play with my Ipod all at the same time. It does distract you from homework sometimes, but I don’t think I’m getting a affected.


  258. big d Says:

    i think that it is not messing with our branse i think we should have all that and more


  259. mAELZ Says:

    I think that their are tooooo many people on the internet. We are always distracted and very very sidetyracked from the computer. Ipods are OK becuase your not staring at a screen, with IPODS you can run, andlistion to it and do homework andlistion to it…………………………………….


  260. Brian D. Says:

    With this technology that we have we are letting the full patenchial of our kids knowlege. To prevent this from going on even farther we need to put a little more pressure on the work that we give the students of today.





    • Brooke H. Says:

      Im with awesome. XP
      Multitasking’s really fun, and I’ve grown used to it. If it’s taken away, then…


      …Well, not really. XD But I guess you get it.


  262. the cool guy Says:

    no it is not re wiring kids brains. i think it is teaching kids things about the computer. so i am right computer is good for kids


  263. Bryan W. Says:

    No technology is not re-wired kids brians. It is not re-writing because kids just are being lazy. Kids like to mulitasking when coming to technology. I for one I’m a mulitasker. Who is with me if you are a multitasker?


  264. Jonathan F. Says:

    I think thats kids pay way to much focus to tv’s, computers and cell phones. That is causing kids to not get as active. So we should limit the use of techkoledgy


  265. Alexis Ovenden Says:

    I think that it CAN take over childrens minds. It does not have to though. you can choose how much and how little you are using technology. I can multitask with technology a lot. I usually listen to my iPod and use the comuter at the same time, but I have to limit myself.


    • spencer d Says:

      tv and computers are awsome. I think the people are wrong. we need tv it teaches us stuff.


    • Regina R. Says:

      I think that it is kinda hurting Kids brains. But people can do thing about it instead of just talking about it they can taken action. They could take the electronics away.


  266. Kelli H. Says:

    First I thnk that technoligy should be easier to figure out for people that can’t figure it out.


  267. Sage W. Says:

    or somewhere else


  268. Matthew J. Says:

    It is cool, but not cool. It’s i9nteresting what technology could do. For example, we copuld be raising our hands with this article ion our hand instead of doing it on the computer. But technology gives us the upper thing on many things. I just don’t like the fact that it’s sorta leading me like I’m a puppy on a leash.


  269. Ellen M Says:

    I never knew that tecnology was bad for the brain if you multitascting. This is causing kids to focus little on one subject. I am not a multitascter because I only go on the internet when we have a big Social Studies project to find infomation, to email my core connections story to myself and thats about all. I do not have a phone so I do not text people and if I get a phone I do not think that I would text a lot. I think I can focus good in class unless it’s a really boring topic but when I get home I feel like I don’t focus well because I want to play with my friends. I think that it is a bad thing that the brain is re-wiring. Kids could learn important infomation because it was replaced by how to text five people at the same time. I do not know how to fix this but a question that I have is : will kids be able to feel there brains re-wireing and will they be able to focus more on one subject if they really tried.


    • Anna M. Says:

      Have you ever gotten an IPOD? I love mine! ❤ It is so awesome! You can do alot of multitasking. You can listen to music while you send email, play games, maps, flashlight, even while you are on YOUTUBE!


    • Campbell S. :) Says:

      Hey BFF! can’t wait for soccer tonight… anyways…. i agree with you ellen. Until now i never knew that technology is bad for you if youu are multitasking. I go on the internet while texting friends. I NEVER knew it was bad for you. Bye Ellen!!! 🙂 ❤


  270. Michael J. Says:

    I think that thid is cool that kids can do this all at once. If you can text and serach the web at the same time then you don’t need any thing else. it is true that if you’re focusing then it might be harder to get a job. kids need to use all parts of their brain. this is good that their tring to re-wirier kids brain.


  271. sam J Says:

    @Chris C.
    Dude, that happens to me all the time. It is really tempting not to listen to music when you are suppost to be doing something different. ( T-T)/\(I_I)


  272. Matthew J. Says:

    I think that techniology is geting the best of us. I mean, my brother doesn’t use books any more, he just gets opn and finds out info on the web. Technologyu is great and fun, but some people are using it WAY to much!


  273. Sage W. Says:

    I am such a multi tasker. After school you will find me on the computer and watching TV at the same time. I can not live without technology. I also think that technology is re-wiring kids’ brain. I think more people are watching TV, going on the computer, texting, etc. more than they should. It distracts them and keeps kids’ grades down,


  274. kennedi C. Says:

    Okay so I havn’t used my Ipod in a month .And it was beacuase I wanted to do an experiment. If I don’t use my Ipod will I do better in school or will my grades stay the same.


    • Christine C Says:

      has it worked are your grades better worse or same


    • Sage W. Says:

      I think that your grades will be so much better if u do not continue to use your ipod


    • Kiera C Says:

      sooo, what happened? did it work, or is it still happening. Maybe i’ll do that. But i bet you whne you get it back, you won’t even know how to work it when you see it.


    • Anna M. Says:

      That is a very interesting question Kennidi! I only get ny Ipod taken away when i do something bad. Maybe if you get your grades up, you can start having your Ipod again!


  275. sam J Says:

    @Abigail S.
    I agree.


  276. Chris C. Says:

    I think Time Magazine is on to something! When I’m doing my homework and I need a dictionary I would use and it distracts me just doing homework related things. Since Safari made a tab option I can multitask on the computer and if I’m typing something and I’m listening to a song I would start typing the lyrics of the song because I’m not focused enough.


  277. sam J Says:

    Are you a multitasker with technology? If so, how so? How do you feel your ability to focus long term has been affected by the ability to use multiple forms at technology at once? If it is true that brains are being re-wired for distraction, what steps can we take to change that and learn to use technology for good?
    I am a multitasker with technology. I watch t.v., text, and also skype at the same time :D. I kind of beleive it because with the most recent Socail Studies project I didn’t feel like doing it as much as I usually do.


  278. Matthew J. Says:

    I am sometimes a multitasker with tech. I play games and watch t.v. at the same time sometimes. I think before I was in kindergarden and didn’t care about tech. that much, but now I can’t seem to focxus on anything much at home that well. I think that if we limit the use of it, we will be able to focus alot more. I lke technology, but I think it’as getting the better of me.


  279. Christine C Says:

    yes I multitask alot Ill be texting while watching TV or I do my HW during the comershals but it doesnt affect me my work in school is fine. I have had some of my best grades in school this year its most because i check my work. Also if you have to be on the computer the get on the school website and wach how to videos or the math games on mrs leckys website. Inernet tv and ipods arnt all bad you can also type papers on an ipod touch to sooooo Multitasking is defently not all bad


  280. tori w Says:

    well it depends on what they are doing on it like homework.
    but i can see why it is a problem …. because kids spend to much time on it.


  281. Emily R :) Says:

    My my my! This is definantly something to think about. I know that the only time I do this is when I look up where to find something on a game but I don’t do that any more considering i’ve long finished my games. I think that one way to stop this from happening is that we I don’t know. Ask our parents to give us more other things we HAVE to do?? Dosen’t sount like fun but what if there’s no other opption? Then I wonder what we would do.


  282. Kiera C Says:

    II feel that we are getting re-wired, but it doesn’t have to be bad. I mean, we are not the only ones. Adults try, but my family is slow, so they like to stick to flip phones, where all you can do is call and txt.


    • Abigail S. Says:

      I think it is bad that our brains are being rewired though. Alot of kids are too addicted to all of this technology. Even if your family does have flip phones and all you can do is text and call thats still technology that a lot of people use.


    • Chris C. Says:

      I agree that smart phones are re-wiring our brains too. My parents got a smart phone and it takes them a while to do something.


    • Emily R :) Says:

      I think it is a better idea to have a phone that does less rather than more. If we have a phone that does less then perhaps we will lern that this re-wireing is really bad.


  283. Isami m Says:

    I think that I do mutlitask because i have a phone a computer and a tv. i don’t realy watch tv unless it is a party, sports game, or of of the 2 shows i watch. the reason is i think tv is kind of stupid and you just sit there on your couch for hours. but i do go on facebook a lot but not all the time becuase i have a life!!! every kid should have a life and shouldt always be watching tv. with my phone, i play games and text my frends. i only do that if you add it up for one hour a day though. i think the most distracting and bad thing is tv and some kids need to stop being lazy and go play a sport becuase watching tv could posibly lead to siting there all day wich leads to eating while you watch wich leads to obesity wich leads to death (SOMETIMES!). so yes its messing up some kids’ lifes but not mine(: (: (:


    • Anna M. Says:

      How can sitting on a couch all day make you abiotic?


      • Isami m Says:

        abiotic means not living that doesn’t make any sense.

      • Emily R :) Says:

        I think what she means is that if you are just siting there doing nothing but watching T.V. then it’s as if your not alive!

      • sam J Says:

        Abiotic is a scientific factor, I don’t think that is the right word for this situation.

      • T man Says:

        Ofcoarse your like a zombie because you are mezmarized by TV and video games. or you can not belive me because then agian nowone does these days. so you must belive me or else. Ill find you!

      • Johnny F Says:

        You just said “How can sitting on the couch make you non-living”. That doesn’t make any sense at all. I beleive you meant “How can sitting on the couch and watching TV re-wire your beain.

  284. Abigail S. Says:

    I think this artical is true. Kids aren’t even reading books that much anymore. For research projects they just search the web. Some kids are way too addicted to video games, ipods, computers, cell phones, ect.


    • Emily R :) Says:

      Well I love to read. I notice that becuse I love reading so much and everyone else likes video games I get made fun of. Kids just don’t see that they should be reading like me. This isn’t good for them!


    • Anna M. Says:

      It is true. When are parents where our age, there where no phones at all!


    • Christine C Says:

      Alot of people still read books they just read with a kindle or online or something


    • Kiera C Says:

      Yes, it’s true, but it’s not all their fault. Parents have partial credit for this thing. Parents need to know, help and care. This century, I see some of my friends doing bad things and getting in truoble, and when I ask them if they are gonna get in trouble and they would say that there parents don’t even care. That’s ridicolus.


      • Abigail S. Says:

        Kiera sometimes it is parents fault for buying the kids those things, but sometimes its also the kids fault. They ask for all of those things. And once they get them they over use them and they keep doing it and doing it and doing it. So I think it’s not all the parents fault.

      • TEEJAY BELL Says:

        Well, parents always care about their childeren. It really depends on what their gettin in trouble for. kids just say that to sound kool.

    • Isami m Says:

      i hate reading your righhtt


    • Kyndal P Says:

      Kids are not getting all the education they need………


  285. Anna M. Says:

    I think this is very interesting. If people are thinking about taking technology away from kids then what are we supposed to do? Read all day? I have an Ipod touch myself and i do enjoy it a lot. TV is nice to. It takes us away to places we would like to be. Like on Disney channel, Wizards of Warverly Place actually lets you explore the world of the Russo family who are wizards.


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